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Strategy and Tips

On both scenarios, there are a number of smaller continents with 3-9 member territories scattered around the board. Use the mini-map at the bottom right to locate one that you can conquer quickly – this will give you a boost to your bonus that you can then use to go for some of the larger bonuses on the board.

Don't forget about the Foundations. They grant +2 bonus each, and another +2 bonus for each pair, in addition to their ability to get your troops rapidly around the board and some extra vision (on the Classic scenario).

Remember that pirate spaces give a negative bonus – avoid taking them in the early game as they will severely limit your ability to expand. On the Classic scenario, take the pirate spaces when you need to in order to cross empty space or to seed rebellion in one of your opponent's continents – if you leave a unit on a pirate space next to their continent, your opponent will have to either take it from you, incurring the negative bonus, or defend against your threat of invasion with defenders that have to be taken from the front lines!

On the Pirate Space scenario, controlling a whole area of pirate space can lead to a quick early bonus, since all pirate spaces start off with 0 neutrals. However, you will be extremely vulnerable to attack. If one of your opponents takes even one of the spaces in that contiguous area, you'll be stuck with a major negative bonus the next turn.

boards/hexgear/strategies_and_tips.1376672560.txt.gz · Last modified: 2013/10/26 09:33 (external edit)