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This map combines the basic elements of Monopoly with those of Dungeons & Dragons, with a D&D theme.

How the Board Works

  • Movement by the outer board is like regular Monopoly, where your units can attack/move between 2 and 12 spaces clockwise around the board. Movement in the dungeon is linear.
  • To take a territory, defeat it's guardian and leave atleast 1 unit behind on the guardian location. At the start of your next turn, if you retain the guardian location, it will factory generate a unit of yours to the territory ownership location (which means you now own the territory) and generates a neutral guardian behind to protect your newly acquired territory.
  • Like the regular Monopoly game, owning a Monopoly set (all the territories of the same color) gives bonuses. There is an icon on the lower left of the board which describes the total bonus of owning each Monopoly set
  • There are some territories on the outer board which can be taken directly without defeating a guardian - the Stagecoaches, Community Chest and Heal locations. Heal adds the specified number of units to the owning player at start of turn. Community Chest gives the owning player a +1 placeable bonus. Stagecoaches generate a +2 bonus for each (+12 total bonus for owning all 4).
  • Dungeonland contains treasure items (the key below the Dungeon showing the location and worth of the items). These items are guarded by neutral monsters, most of which regenerate (if a player moves off of them after conquering them. Each item generates a placeable bonus.
  • Each turn is comprised of 2 attack orders and 1 fortify, with return to place and fortify ON. Fortification is to any connected. Players can fortify to/from their capital/reserve location to the outer board, with the exception of the 2 spots in the top left and top right corners which allow entrance into the Dungeon.
  • The default bonus for each player is 1 placeable unit and 2 units place on their capital (reserve).
  • Win the game by defeating the Tarrasque, attacking from your capital (reserve) and then taking and retaining Castle Greyhawk for 1 turn. Note that the Tarrasque regenerates between each player turn to 80 units.


  1. Default - this is the general scenario, with full Dungeon and images showing many of the creatures in the Dungeon.
  2. Default with no images - same as the default, but without images for the Dungeon's monsters.
  3. Enter the Dungeon - Monopoly set bonuses are smaller than the default values, thus encouraging players to 'enter the Dungeon' to obtain greater bonuses.
  4. Limited Movement - Unlike the default, movement is restricted to 4 - 9 spaces clockwise around the outer board, with the exception of the Stagecoaches allowing for a movement range of 2 - 12 spaces.
  5. Long Game - same as default, but the Tarrasque has more units to defeat and the dice vs the Tarrasque are d4, not the standard d6.
  6. More Orders - same as default, but
  7. No Dungeon - orders limited to 20 per turn, with fatigue factor more in play; placement limited to factories, some techs and bombers. Also, fortifications limited now to 2, with ability to attack with the fortified units.
  8. Shards of Elessia - placement limited to factories, some techs and bombers
  9. Small Dungeon - placement limited to factories, some techs and bombers
boards/dungeonopoly/dungeonopoly.1590034826.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/05/21 00:20 by Thingol