
This map combines the basic elements of Monopoly with those of Dungeons & Dragons, with a D&D theme.


How the Board Works


  1. Default - this is the general scenario, with full Dungeon and images showing many of the creatures in the Dungeon.
  2. Default with no images - same as the default, but without images for the Dungeon's monsters.
  3. Enter the Dungeon - Monopoly set bonuses are smaller than the default values, thus encouraging players to 'enter the Dungeon' to obtain greater bonuses.
  4. Limited Movement - Unlike the default, movement is restricted to 4 - 9 spaces clockwise around the outer board, with the exception of the Stagecoaches allowing for a movement range of 2 - 12 spaces.
  5. Long Game - same as default, but the Tarrasque has more units to defeat and the dice vs the Tarrasque are d4, not the standard d6.
  6. More Orders - same as default, but with 3 attack orders and 2 fortifies.
  7. No Dungeon - same as default, but without the Dungeonland.
  8. Shards of Elessia - same as the Small Dungeon layout, but instead of magic items, the Dungeon is populated with the Shards of Elessia. The more shards a player owns (no matter their location in the dungeon), the greater the bonus. 1 shard=4 bonus, 2 shards=10 bonus, 3 shards=18 bonus 4 shards=32 bonus, 5 shards=64 bonus
  9. Small Dungeon - same as default, but now Dungeonland map is smaller and contains a smaller list of magic items.

* Strategies and Tips