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milo67 milo67 is offline now
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Membership Type Standard
Player #15486
Joined WarGear 2nd Apr 2012
Last Visit 4th Oct 2022 13:24
Country United States
Championship Points -
Global Ranking Score 487 (#4530)
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H Rating 20%
Average turn time 10 hours 33m
Boots (last 30 days) 0 boots
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19th Jan 2014 22:21
Message from Nick Fury
I won't attack you. Please attack blue, he's getting too strong.
#4 of 4
15th Nov 2013 04:52
Message from falcon21000
I managed to find the game. Explanation: I couldn't get a card in Asia(I had terrible luck) and as you can see the green was blocking my exit in to North Africa so i tried to play the best possible move at the time. The turn before I was in a hurry and I simply attacked Brazil,because it was the weakest around me and after that I couldn't get out with my army.
#3 of 4
15th Nov 2013 02:01
Message from falcon21000
Sincerest apology. My trial period for premium membership expired so I can't see the specific game(I am now limited to ten and I was playing around 30),but I never lie about things like that. Please send me the link to the specified game and I will explain what happened. I probably couldn't get a card or had very bad luck so I am about to be eliminated(I was unable to get out or the price of going out was to high at the moment(it meant my elimination in the next round)),but when I see it I will be able to give you the full explanation.
#2 of 4
9th Nov 2013 12:57
Message from falcon21000
milo67 let my units go through Brazil(leave one unit in it and I will kill it and then go to Africa). You want South America more than me. If you do this it will be easier for you to hold it,because you will have more units and what is much more important-if you destroy my units in South America you will allow someone else to take my cards and he will be able to take it from you.
#1 of 4
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