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Bruni Bruni is offline now
Rank Private Private
Membership Type Standard
Player #5494
Joined WarGear 29th Aug 2010
Last Visit 12th Apr 2016 13:16
Country United States
Championship Points -
Global Ranking Score 1301 (#948)
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Team Score 1048
H Rating 48%
Average turn time 4 hours 55m
Boots (last 30 days) 0 boots
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Bruni's Achievements

  • Fighter (Play 100 Public Games)
  • Mostly Harmless (Win 10 Public Games)
  • Team Player (Play One Public Team Game)
  • Combat Buddy (Win One Public Team Game)
  • Adventurer (Play games on 25 different boards)
  • Elder (Had an account for > 3 years)
  • Friendly (Friended by a Player)
  • Double Winstreak (Win 2 games in succession)
  • The Fog (Played a game on a Foggy Map)
  • Fogged Up (Played a game on every Fog Type)
  • Detective (Won a game on a Foggy Map)
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Pages:   1   (1 in total)
16th May 2014 04:30
Message from multiplasma
Bruni, try and keep your messaging among the team only.
#6 of 6
10th Feb 2014 17:00
Message from pontwander
you whine like woman when you lose
#5 of 6
3rd Feb 2012 13:24
Message from hubs99
I think Pink/white have an alliance in our game together. (http://www.wargear.net/games/player/106655)
#4 of 6
1st Nov 2011 12:55
Message from Ardinos
LOL! Understood. Your strategy was clearly better than mine so I can't really question your intelligence:) I guess I always just assume someone is almost dead or about to win if they are trying anything in Russia. It's too big to defend. Good luck to you and again, I hope no hard feelings. I don't have any against you, I just like to be dispatched quickly, you're right, no way for you to know given fog.
#3 of 6
1st Nov 2011 10:44
Message from Ardinos
I didn't mean to offend you. You'll find I'm not a jerk, you play this enough you have to play the same people over and over so it doesn't work to collect enemies. I just hate it when someone rather than finish you off, sits there and just takes one nibble on your border. Two reasons. 1. Strategically it's bad, it just makes the other person want to hurt you back and because you're not finishing them off, it gives them time to do so. If I attack someone where they're obviously trying to build units, I go for the throat so they can't recover. 2. It's boring to keep someone hanging around in the game, put them out of their misery quick. If you're offended, sorry. If you won't take my apology, feel free to play me in any game you want and stick it to me, that's how it works:)
#2 of 6
31st Oct 2011 21:24
Message from legolas
If you don't atack NA, i atack blue.
#1 of 6
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